

  • 拍摄的画面确实非常美!故事的开头火星沙尘暴和后续飞行器对接贼精彩和刺激!
  • 中国航天局也太草率了吧,说改变计划就改变了
  • 总而言之,不幸被困在火星要想尽办法活下去和回家
  • 主角在火星中很酷,若更苦,可能更有看头
  • “This is space.It does not cooperate.At some point,everything is going to go south on you and you are going to say’This is it.'Now,you can either accept that or you can get to work.That is all it is.You just begin.You do the math.You solve one peoblem then you solve the next one.And then the next. And If you solve enough problems,you get to come home”